Fohow Dasuan garlic essence soft capsules

Price: 16,78 €
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The healing and restorative power of garlic is now available to everyone in Fohow's compact capsules.

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Fohow Dasuan garlic essence soft capsules

The healing and restorative power of garlic is now available to everyone in Fohow's compact capsules.

Fohow Dasuan soft capsules are the result of research and development by specialists in Chinese medicine and pharmacology at the Yang-Shen Fohow Research Institute. The capsules are made from the highest quality garlic using low-temperature extraction technology and the most advanced equipment, which made it possible to fully (100%) preserve all the beneficial components contained in garlic in the extracted essence.

The product does not contain impurities and harmful substances, has a high degree of purification and concentration of the active ingredient, has a bacteriostatic and antibacterial effect, lowers lipids and blood sugar, protects the liver and prevents the development of oncology, and has a unique healing effect.

The biologically active component in garlic is allicin. Garlic essence contains more than 140 valuable substances of natural origin, its composition can be divided into two types: the first is volatile components (also called garlic oil), which include more than 40 essential compounds, the second is non-volatile components, including more than 100 types of esters, trace elements, minerals, various amino acids and other elements. It is thanks to such a complex and exceptional composition of garlic that Dasuan Fohow Garlic Essence Softgels have unique properties.

Product composition: garlic essence, vegetable oil, glycerin, distilled water, gelatin shell.

Product features:

  • reduces the content of fat in the blood, has an anticoagulant effect, prevents the occurrence of arteriosclerosis, slows down aging, increases vitality;
  • it has bacteriostatic, bactericidal and antiviral effects, removes free radicals from the body, improves immunity;
  • it has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect in diseases of the vessels of the heart and brain, reduces blood sugar;
  • reduces the risk of attacks in diabetes, protects the liver, inhibits tumors, helps to get rid of excess weight.

Indications: the drug is designed for course use, since it contains only herbal ingredients that require a long time to activate the action. The healing course is designed for 1 month. It is desirable to observe equal periods of time for the continuous action of the active components. Restrictions on use apply to people with individual intolerance, pregnant and lactating women, since garlic extract can change the taste of breast milk.

Useful properties of Dasuan Fohow capsules: the main composition of the capsules is garlic essence, which, with high-tech processing, received a large list of properties as part of the capsules:

  • bactericidal and antiviral;
  • bacteriostatic and anticoagulant properties;
  • reduce the content of fat cells in human blood;
  • prevention of arteriosclerosis;
  • impact on the vessels of the brain and heart muscles;
  • have a positive effect on the liver;
  • help in the removal of toxins and free radicals from the body;
  • promote immunity and vitality, which helps to slow down aging;
  • help in the fight against excess weight loss.

The product is recommended: for people with weakened immune systems, poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract or in case of oncology. Also recommended for detoxification and cleansing of the intestines, lowering blood sugar levels.

Directions for use: adults: 3 capsules 3 times a day with meals.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, lactation.

Storage method: store in a dry, cool place protected from direct sunlight at a temperature not exceeding +18C.

Packing: 120 capsules of 0.36 g.
Expiration date: 24 months.
Manufacturer: Fohow Health Products co. Ltd., China.
Distributor: Fohow Eesti OÜ, Rävala pst 6, 10143 Tallinn, Estonia.

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